— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Not the mine.
Problems of Communication 2.
This is the case in our small town.
Next to one of the shops was a man with a wheelchair. You can safely call his grandfather, if not by age, then by status. He was walking his grandson in a wheelchair. Dressed was modest, and what does his pants - not a boy anymore. In the same place was parked a young lady, the complete opposite of the man with a wheelchair. On a steep jeep, dressed in the latest fashion, gold on the fingers, silicone on the lips. In addition, she parked in the back, talking on the phone and opening the driver’s door at the same time. And of course, what had to happen happened. She pushed the wheelchair through that door. The car crashed, the child fell and cried.
Since ancient times, it has been said that the best defense is attack. The lady understood this truth very well. The naive designers of the MiG-25 aircraft, even in a dreamy dream could not assume that there are sounds louder than the sound of a jet engine. The phrases of the type: “...there was a divorce here, there is no place to put the car...” were intertwined by such selective mothers, who would be jealous of the carpenter Ivanov, who knows 3000 details with the name x@йня. The lady broke more and more. Without embarrassing anyone, she watered the man with dirt. And the door was scratched to her, and now he is going to sell the apartment because he already has to. And right now, she’s calling her boyfriend, who’s so cool that he has scratches on the front glass of the car from the inside. And this guy will come and everyone will be bad: a mouth to the ground and ask for mercy will be all, including a man and a child.
The lady was probably an extrasensitive, because the events went according to her script. But the extravagance she was, still not very good, as everything happened with the exact opposite. Yes, her boyfriend came, but his fingers bended... Only one did not take into account they both. The father of the child was a mayor of the militia, and his grandfather was a simple general of the militia, who came to visit his son from the regional center.
The lady was probably, frankly, a crazy extravagant. She could not even imagine that her happy life was just beginning. The fact is that the next day in the store, near which these events occurred, two serious men in the state, but with red passports and seized the recordings from the video cameras.
The moral:
1st Follow the rules of movement.
2nd Do not offend people, especially strangers.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna