— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Under early Stalin, such mutants were called otherwise: a political prostitute.
This is an eternal topic. Change the line - flexibly follow the timing. The opponents are changing the line – climate workers and political prostitutes. You do not change the line - firm and consistent in decisions. The opponents do not change the line - hardened and stubborn. The budget has been wasted – it has been allocated for the future. The opponents broke the budget - wasteers and moths. He issued a corrupt or simply blurred and inadequately applied law - there were curves in the places, but the forest is torn - the stitches are flying. The opponents did the same – showed their inhuman and benevolent nature.

Politics is the ability to lie, exposing all your actions in a favorable light. Won, the said comrade, harvested the fruits of the NEP (including electrification and industrialization – they were started by Lenin, ah), and arranged famine and slavery in the country. mass collectivization) and such a coward, that some where even fascists were met as liberators, fucked the personnel army in the first months of the war (it turned out that showing loyalty to the regime - not very substitutes the real combat experience), tricked to fuck almost with the whole world - but the correct submission of material and here he - "an effective manager, who saved the country."

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna