— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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History of Soviet mathematicians.
One guy, having graduated from LGU mathemes, entered postgraduate school. The scholarship is 100 rubles. Slytherin or tokar at the factory named Kirov received times more.
When he was tired of his young wife’s lack of money, he abandoned his graduate school and went to the factory. The Department of Human Resources requested a document on his education. It was only possible to find a certificate of completion of eight years.
In those harsh times he was sent to "study" in the evening school. And he did not resist - one paid holiday a week will not hurt anyone. One "but" - in the evening school had to cut under the fool, which was convenient to do, sitting on the "cam". The neighbor was a forgotten palace man, who slept all the time in class.
Once a math teacher explained that the area of the circle is equal to the square of the radius multiplied by the number "pi". The former student did not listen to her. The teacher decided to check it and, crawling, asked the guy loudly, what is the area of the circle.
The one immersed in his dissertation, dispersely whispered: "Pi..." (it is not mat, but the letter of the Greek alphabet, which in mathematics indicates the ratio of the length of the arc of the semicircle to the diameter).
The class went down with a happy bite of healthy people who encountered a fool.
When the gentleman reached the echoing comments of the teacher, who sat on the impenetrable stupidity of the students, and reproaches to the Creator, who sent her to the school of working youth, the graduate student fell in anger.
Going out to the board, he painted it with double and triple integrals, depicted the boundary transition under the sign of the integral, and brilliantly proved that the area of the circle is actually equal to "pi" and not "peer square", as mistakenly written in high school textbooks.
The working class fell into anaphylaxis, crumbling under the shell of formulas and incomprehensible terms, and the shocked teacher barely whispered, turning to the vacuum rather than to the present:
Is it possible?
To her pre-mortem whisper suddenly reacted the neighbor of our hero, the very shut-down palace, quietly sleeping under the fierce knock of the brick on the board:
“A man,” he said, casting a fleeting glance at the painted class board. Limit transition under the sign of a double integral in the third row from the top to the left of the board is prohibited. He separates...

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