— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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There are a few receipts:

Can you tell me how to distinguish a fool from a fool? In the beginning, the princes...
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1st If the restaurant turns, the staff is treated with snobism and claims - a fool, no matter how many songs will be in your ears.
2nd He tells how someone was fucking (the boss, the seller, the customer) - a fool, struck him in the blood.
Three His boss is a shit, and his relatives are a shit, and all the former are a shit, and his friends are a shit.
4 is He lies about small things, he lies about big things.
5 is Meet only on his terms and only at his convenient time - something is darkening, definitely.
6 is He is not interested in your affairs, but his problems are the first matter.
7 is Teach you to live, correct you, criticize you. We need to.
8 is He has an unrecognized genius.
9 is He cannot deny himself excesses even in small things, even if his desires cause inconvenience to others. He makes friends.
10 is Mussolite child offenses.

P.S This list also applies to women.
P. P. SThe list is incomplete - add who knows!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna