— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Knowledge, and what to make delicious foods for the march-throwing of rainbow rabbits?

There is a good short film on YouTube about an uncle organizing mass racing on the rainbow for the marginals. He takes in the store a slice, vegetables, minerals, gets from the trunk 0.7 from under vodka with methanol, an old mobile phone bought on the bar, shakes out the wallet, leaving only a little bit and leaves at night. Sooner or later, in some courtyard, the guys come up, ask something neutral, but as a result, as always, bread the patchwork into a buckle, snack and snack, leaving in memory a few bruises and / or fractures... Without suspecting that methanol is little different from burned vodka, and the lethal dose for a 70-kg person is about 30 grams.

I am personally stunned by one of the comments of the "defenders" of the hypothesis:
What if they give my mother this vodka?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna