— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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>> you are two idiots))

>> missile system of the M-13)
>>And with anyone who guessed my name by this ah#en rebus, I would even get acquainted)

Your name is Lisa and don’t even ask how I got it.

and joke. Generation EGE and Google. I was in a hurry, I didn’t even look at the details. First, Lisa is written as "M13", secondly - it is a self-propelled machine gun, in addition, American. And when I read, I immediately remembered the lessons of history and the name "Katyusha" emerged by itself, not yet reading to the end.

Read the author's nick at the beginning of the quotation religion did not allow? In my opinion, the name "Katherine" speaks for itself

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna