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The Frederick Broche Experiment

Recently, a wine tasting was held in Boston, in which the famous cognizants of this drink took part. The rules of wine tasting were very simple. Twenty-five of the best wines, the price of which should not exceed twelve dollars, were bought in a regular store in Boston. Later, a group of experts on the assessment of red and white wines was compiled, who were to blindly identify the best wine of the presented wines.

The winner was the cheapest wine. This once again confirms that wine tasters and wine critics are a myth. According to the results of the analysis of the responses of experts, it was revealed that all tasters chose the wine that they simply liked the most in taste. Here are the experts.

By the way, in 2001, Frederick Broche of the University of Bordeaux, conducted two separate and very demonstrative experiments on degusters. In the first test, Broche invited 57 experts and asked them to describe their impressions of only two wines.

In front of the experts stood two glasses, with white and red wine. The trick was that there was no red wine, in fact it was the same white wine, painted with a food dye. But this did not prevent experts from describing “red wine” in the language they usually use to describe red wines.

One of the experts highly appreciated his “jamminess”, and the other even “feeled” “the crushed red fruits.” Nobody noticed that it was actually white wine!!! to

Broche’s second experiment turned out to be even more deadly for critics. He took the usual Bordeaux and poured it into two different bottles with different labels. One bottle was “grand-crew” and the other was ordinary dining wine.

Despite the fact that they actually drank the same wine, experts assessed them differently. “Gran Krau” was “pleasant, wooden, complex, balanced and overwhelming,” and the dining room was, according to experts, “weak, tasteless, unsaturated, simple.”

At the same time, most did not even recommend "table" wine for use.
Experts - indicators of fashion and their taste is no different from the taste of an ordinary person. People just want to listen to someone’s opinion, for this there is an “expert.”

The question is, are there “experts”? Or it’s just the opinion of an authority. In other words, we are different people, and our tastes vary as much as the brands of cheap wine, somebody likes them and somebody doesn’t.

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