— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A guy with strictly distributed expenses, you’re overwhelming. You spent 10,000 on a girl (the rest of the story is on yourself), and judging by the text, it was more an exception than a rule. Another thing, why do you date a girl with whom you don’t like sex, and dating her is so boring that you are forced to entertain yourself with accounting calculations?

And the last nail in the cover of the grave of your story: if your woman is a barrel, you are just treating her incorrectly.

Stories about “nearly monthly” and “head pain” come from women who are embarrassed to say, “I won’t have sex with you because you’re lazy for the kindness, and without a good degree of excitement it’s all absolutely not pleasant and even painful.” And the prostitute does not shy away to use lubricant, will entertain you with a penny to reduce the actual, unpleasant phase of sex without excitement, then for the same money will compliment you about sex, and about how interesting you are. This is all I can do - let your girlfriend go, let her find someone who suits her.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna