— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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So it turned out that I became a jury judge in the court.I previously thought that at the very beginning it is clear who is bad and who is good.And that listening to lawyers and prosecutors is necessary only to make it clear that the accused will be enough for a couple of years of colony or to get in full.
The first hearing turned my view of the court from head to head.
It all started with the speech of the prosecutor to the accused.What said there is a very good 19-year-old boy in the world who is very positive, does not drink, does not smoke, studies at the university, etc. And this angel was attacked by a healthy man who beat him and broke his finger on each hand.Monster in his prison and all that.Add photos of the guy immediately after the fight,a certificate from a medical institution.
Looking at the photo, I thought that the guy probably hit the horse with a speck in the face 2-3 times, and then the speck about him and wiped out.
One big blue on the whole face and consistent swarms.Hands bent.
How did it happen with the grandfather who was sitting behind bars waiting for the verdict.The grandfather is typical Karl Marx only gray.How he really beat a guy and physically developed is unclear.
The lawyer clarified everything.
(from the first person)
I am a pensioner. At the planned work related to the disconnection of electricity to the site ran the victim with accusations to my address,that it is necessary to warn about the disconnection he said did not have time to stay and now he will have to level in the game again.I sent him. The ad hangs on the entrance door of the runway and it is his problem that he did not read it.He left, but in a couple of minutes returned and began to shoot at me from a traumatic gun.Good winter was and I covered up with a cotton,and the shooter he so himself from all of his grip hit twice.(painful of course, but tolerable)When the shoulder ended and the guy wanted to recharge the injury I wanted to attack him and warm up with the separation key that was in my hands.But the guy started to run away from me and I was already old became for the run and threw him in the shoulder and hit.The guy fell from this and broke his mouth on the concrete floor.I decided to take the key, he is office.I approached him.And so that he did not start shooting in me hit the guy with the key on the index finger as a result of which broke him.
Lawyer: “Why then the victim’s two index fingers are broken?”
The accused said, "I remember that he shot me with his left hand, and also hit the other finger with the key."
Man was justified.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna