— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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And then it happened that for 2 hours on the knee in the ice water under the rain heracled from the event on the electric drive. (Thank you to the organizers of Max!) And since I get sick even if I went to bed with my head wet, I thought the result was obvious. But! Thank you to my mom for the cognac on the way and then for the infusion at home. I was healthier than ever. I believe in alcohol. But in tea and wool - not.

The conclusion of a British scientist. Alcohol does not heat. The commentator answers, I once in the rain (not a minus temperature!) I went and drank cognac and did not get sick the next day. Cognac is hot, but no wool.
Not the particularity of the case (was it necessary to heat it?No antibacterial properties of alcohol, in the opinion of the girl does not affect.

My husband and I kissed, and then the baby was born. And when we slept standing, there was nothing.So now I believe that children are born from kisses, but not standing.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna