— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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There are some smart guides that bypass traffic jams on the sidewalk. I’m going home yesterday, I’m already approaching the “Alphabet of Taste.” There’s another thing in my back. I am walking on the sidewalk. I specifically slowed the step, but I was already approaching my path through the snow on which I was bending, so without turning, I showed the fact and turned. In the back of the door, someone knocks, “You are fucking, go here fucking.” I turn around - a man, forty years old, with a huge mouthpiece, in a jersey with a spat. And then I get a brilliant idea... while he is doing something there, I retreat a little more on the snow, glue the snow and throw it in. He threatens to kill me and is chasing me. I calmly, in the winter comfortable shoes, scratch this fat chmo in the shoes on the snow, and still annoy on the run "Isn't it cold? You were waiting there in the traffic jams, out in the tail.” And so I ran around to his car and with the scream "AZAZA ZATRELLI" took the snow in the cloth and threw him into the salon.

It still ended well. We were both shouted, “Well, Bennyhill, Harosh.” I see there are three mentions. They have been watching for a long time. To the man fit "Serzhantakoi yourdocumentary", and judging by the smile of mint, the man slipped. They did not ask me, and I went home. There is justice in the world!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna