— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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This is:

Kanesh-Kaneshna... can just turn the brains on and not stand in strange places.

Do you really understand that the problem is in you and not in the girls?
Here’s an example: I was raped when I went home from the market with a mayonnaise bank. I repeat, from the market. Imagine what I was wearing: no shorts, no heels, only jeans (killed enough and shoes), the same killed sweater and no makeup. This fool jumped out on me from somewhere, distracted me with some innocent question, and then attacked me, from the back, when you had already turned to leave, grabbed your chest and clutched your mouth so that I’t mourn. That’s a crazy feeling, every fuck, girl dreams about it, right?
I am now 28, then I was 17, considering my horror I bitten the guy's hand and kicked him with a bowl of mayonnaise (glass) in a package, he hugged and let me go, and then I ran away very quickly. The passers? Everybody was puppy.
But it’s not scary, when I came home, shaking and with a shifted picture of the world, you know what my mom told me? "You probably blamed yourself, you probably provoked it"


The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna