— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The Wild Lobes

“Even on the way to the place of execution, she did not let go of the work she had begun; ten shirts-pancers lay at her feet quite ready, the eleventh she plays...”
(The Tale of the Wild Swan)

On December 31, early in the morning, my friend, former KGB-Bashnik Yuri Tarasovich, was sent to the country to heat up the whole house before the arrival of the family, and put the goose in the oven for one thing.

Tarasych took a cognac from the frost, turned on the player with the plates, sits, squeezes apples in the goose, cheats, enjoys loneliness.

Suddenly, there were crows on the street for no reason.

It was strange, because when you are alone, in silence, in the country, it is especially subtle to feel that nothing in nature crumbles for no reason.

Yuri Tarasych did not let go, approached the window and indeed – the reason was, on the opposite side of the site, near the shark stood a healthy man and a...

Yes, nothing “and”, just stood face to face with the wall and seemed to do nothing. Per he wanted to break the door to crush the tick and the "Bulgarka"? So no, the door was a meter from him, and the man was just standing stuck in a wooden wall, as if he was put in a corner. No, and yet, he did something like that in his hands, but what? He crossed a three-meter fence to get here. It is not like a perverse, and the frost is not suitable for perversions.

Tarasych's long life dimmed before his eyes, he began to recall convulsively - who, when he crossed the road and who could hire such a ridiculous killer for the New Year? Or maybe this guy just wants to burn a sarayika? So why not smoke? Where is the fire? A minute ten stands, nichren does not occur, only the feet from the cold overtakes. He is not going to leave either. Maybe it mines? The joke, too, doesn’t seem at all, and what can be the joke on the last day of the year, and even at eight in the morning?

By his rich operational experience, Tarasych understood that such a strange person cannot be taken so loudly, simply and crying out. Is there little in the mind? Could he, without thinking about it, be ready to clean up a dozen random witnesses around him?

Tarasychu is already eighty years old, enough for a successful wrestling, so he did not let go and went up to the second floor, where there is a safe. And with the SSC carabine, even the words of the old man no longer sound so loud.

Good that the snow attacked not a lot, to the uninvited guest managed to pick up five meters.
Tarasych stumbled in prison and clearly commanded:

One sudden move and you will die right away. Slowly raise your hands and get on your knees.

The man, without looking back, fell on his knees and raised his hands, dropping the solder and the wooden box. The sink is in the snow. He was connected!

What are you cuddling with me here?
I’m not burning, I’m burning on a tree. Can I turn?
Get up, slowly turn around and talk.

The man turned, slightly split his hands with trembling fingers and continued:

“I swear by God, I didn’t know you were home, oh, I didn’t say that. I am not a thief, you understand, I am from Yelts, I work and live on a pyloram. Do you know where the pylori is? And my landlord, right now, exactly in twenty minutes, must go home at Kamaz, to Yelets. I just learned about it yesterday and decided to make a box for my son and pass it on. There are sweets, there is a little money. On the cover, you see? Santa was burning out, but it didn’t happen. At night, we cut off the lights, they said that it would not be until the first. Here, you had to go, I saw the rosette, I could not stand and burn up, there was only a little left. And never would. I wanted to get to Kamaz and be beautiful. Don't be afraid, call the police, I don't shake and I don't run, I understand what's the fault, only you with the gun, please be more careful.

Tarasych looked at the unmade box painting and asked:

Why did you write so strangely? Happy New Year 2000 and the 16th!
Fuck it, of course! I am from the cold. Their brains are frozen.

Yuri Tarasovich hid the carabine, called the man into the house, heated a drink of cognac, showed a rosette and in the remaining minutes gave to burn the deer.

What is Santa without an eagle?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna