— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 21 - ]
Darlay: Gather a computer of rubles for 500. Even less though.
Darlay: Let’s grab a dozen on it, let’s play toys with discs.
See also: XD
Darlay: And what?
Mel: What if there is an emulator?
Darlay: Pfff... the emulator...
Darlay: You didn’t catch the Essence!
Darlay: Have you played the pre-Sovian game, fuzzy because of the discrepancy of the resolution, with the LAGS?
Mel for a long time
Darlay: Playing pre-Soviet games on an emulator is like having sex with a gangdo from a bicycle camera.
Darlay: Maybe, but the effect is not that.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna