— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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This story happened a long time ago - twenty years with a little.
We were young and the time was fun. Restructuring, Gorbachev, cooperatives and... video magnetophones. The men who cut a window into the western film industry and threw my friend Oleg into a cultural shock. Films - "Cobra", "Comando"he watched twenty times and, most terrible, periodically told me of them.
The desire to imitate the idols also crossed all possible boundaries. Well, there, the cockroach, wherever he went, but Oleg went further - he armed himself. He did not have a terrible teaser like Ramba, and the kitchen knives for this role did not fit very well, but in Moscow there was the Riga market, a free business plantation where you could buy an aircraft carrier if you wanted, there would be grandmothers.
Oleg bought a Caucasian pinch! No, not a souvenir of any kind, but the most real, the nineteenth century, big, brilliant. The cloth was beautiful like a festive-dressed gigit in front of a local newspaper photographer. One trouble - the knives of the knight were not (seemingly, over the past century they were struggling in battles), but Oleg was not embarrassed. Kinshal was lovingly polished and sharpened to the sharpness of the Jedi sword, and to wear it my friend stood behind his back, swinging behind the pantyhose belt. This method was not too convenient, to sit with such a "tail" - not very, and the pants constantly in small cuts, but our hero was patient. Otherwise, he is a hero!
Periodically, domesticated Stallone trained - stood in front of the mirror, strained his non-small muscles and, having built a brave row, admired himself against the backdrop of the hammer. Classes did not disappear in vain, one day he came - his star hour.
The area is outskirts, working quarters, and the time was not calm. Next on the plot - the night, the street, the lamp without a lamp, three hooliganes, the unfortunate girl in the role of the victim and our hero, who committed the evening promenade in a row with the above-mentioned lamp.
Here is it! It is done! We will show them! - Probably, it was such slogans whispered in the brain of my friend, poisoned by Hollywood, and Oleg rushed to help.
Poorly fit into the turn, slightly bouncing, he still managed from the second attempt to close the blonde with the chest. Stunned by the excess of adrenaline, he squeezed between the conflicting parties and threw the enemies with a heavy look.
The enemies were sick, and the guys were not small, so they were not very scared and all told Oleg: who he is, where he needs to move and how fast.
You better leave, guys. Oleg did not remember which movie this pathos phrase was from. And that...
And then what? Interested in hooliganism.
My friend is a healthy cock and could well get out of this situation and without a glowing iron, but not in vain he so stubbornly scared the mirror? Lightning throwing his hand behind his back, pressing the knife hand with a back grip with a scream: - Here's what!!! Oleg pulled his cloth from behind his back.
The loyal Caucasian comrade did not fail. Immediately cutting the belt, he allowed Oleg's pants to go to his knees, opening the blue satin trousers to the public.
The hooligan was vigilant.
Oleg reacted immediately. Without leaving the gun out of his hands, he picked up the falling pants and pulled them up, hoping that the cute girl hadn’t had time to notice his shame. The trousers reached my friend’s ass second, the first was a knot, easily rooted with the back of the defendant.
The milk! Our hero fell on his back.
and Aaaah! A fugitive Spanish. They can be understood. They were expecting an old good fight, and this is it! Who knows what will surprise this mad masochist at the next moment? Chariot will do? Will they cut them off, and then they will be attracted?
Saved in such an original way, the girl was terribly frightened (and was not afraid of the courtyard spaniel, but of the "greatly impaired idiot") and wanted to escape. Then I regretted Oleg and called an ambulance.
The doctors laughed a long time. And what, the guy lies, in the ass of the knot, next to the girl spat something about the bandits and the fight, and the doctors in the eyes of the question - fucking the victim before the fight dropped his pants?!! From the complete shame Oleg was saved only by the cowards who were stuck with a hammer to his ass.
In the morning, an investigator came to a friend of the hospital, wrote a protocol and confiscated a terrible cold weapon. Then came the rescued girl. Then they married. There is a soul in the soul, two children. He lovingly calls her Sunny, and she calls him a Samurai. A friend asks no one to tell him where his nickname comes from...I don’t tell anyone.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna