— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I add :
It is simple:
I’ve never been an epplophobic or a hater, but a strange trend. The device is three times more expensive than the same from other firms (and an order more expensive than the economy options), but their owners behave... I don't know how to express more tactically... in a low-cost way?

And also in credit take almost only iPhones, not Samsung or HTC different. Why is? Because of the brand, status and other social niches. We live in society and love to be no worse than others. Better to be even cooler. No one is to blame, nothing is to blame.

My sony was one and a half years old and I thought it was terrible that his paint was slightly flying away from the sides. Time has passed a little, and a couple of strikes on the cage is nothing. But when my acquaintance after six months the iPhone became similar to the consequences of a nuclear war, I realized how wrong I was.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna