— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I work for an American IT firm. A couple of months ago there was a conflict with the boss where I got a backbone for initiative. Before that, he worked as a damned, overtime was a year ahead, trying to give 146%. In September, the boss came to me and we spoke for an hour that I didn’t know my place and if there was even one worker, they would be fired. Since then, I have put everything in my precious and have done what happens. He sat on Amazon, speculated on the stock exchange, played online poker. One day the boss comes and talks to me. A couple of months ago you were on the brink of being fired, but since you have recently shown that you want and love to work, I decided to promote you. +20% to the salary, plus the bonuses of which there were no more holidays, I was also transferred to a more convenient office. Question: What is the undercover?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna