— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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And if you irritate someone, it means that you are irritating – specific behavior,... it is unlikely that they specifically hate certain groups of people.

I was at a stop last summer. I am waiting for my route, dressed in fresh, moderately closed clothes, the same hour as a shower, a haircut, a face without makeup, but cared for. I stand with a neutral expression of the face – I think about affairs for the day. Here I am just fat, more precisely, in your terminology "girucha halimi".
From the bus with dignity sails out. No seriously. Beautiful face, light hair in "the careless" beam, glasses with smoky semi-transparent glasses, quality makeup in the style of "new". Expensive summer dress made of flying fabric of fashionable yellow color and fashionable length "in floor", expensive sandals. In his left hand gracefully holds an iPhone in a yellow blanket, headphones are either yellow or golden... In general, the beauty, as if from a photo session from a fashion magazine.
I didn’t watch closely, I didn’t even look straight, I was just instinctively attentive to what was going on around me.
In general, the diva floats out, behind her, obviously, a girlfriend - dressed easier, less beautiful. And the diva, having stood on the sinful land one and a half meters from me, mirrored me with a straight glance from above down, turned to a friend and said loudly, shaking her eyes: "Kaaaak, but I am beaten by gyroups!" She passed by, slightly pushing my shoulder.
Attention, the question: what kind of behavior did I provoke this?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna