— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I add :
Six years later, the guys met again, becoming colleagues at a large factory.
Alisha is an engineer-technologist, programmer of CNC machines. He is entirely at work, often delayed after a working day, leaves on weekends. It provides approximately 20% of production. After work, Alisha does not go home, he attends various courses, trainings and seminars.
Sasha is a sales manager. He works 1.5 to 2 hours a day, giving the rest of his working time to social networks and online games.
Salary of Alisha - 40 t.p., Sasha - 90 t.p.
There is no need to, try to invent it yourself.

I want to know where such idiots employers pay for 2 hours of work 90 thousand, and who has Sasha's dad. Or is it not so unambiguous?

We had to work in various AO-energy with a staff of just under 1000 people.
Such a difference in salary is possible only if Alisha is a specialist, and Sasha is the head of the service not less. No one cancelled the tariff grid, I repeat if the company is large. How many times have I heard something like this: "Asuschniki with compams play nifiga do not work", "suppliers of henna suffer", "And here we work to..."
I believe that nowhere just so money is not paid, everywhere their "specialities", which are not always visible until you face this personally.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna