— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Society is not obliged to carry in its arms a person who suddenly decided to have a child. The social security system is perfect. If she is not satisfied, and she does not have enough strength and opportunities to raise a child, come to consciousness and make an adult responsible decision. And to give birth, because suddenly wanted and demanded from society - help, provide, it is infantilism and confusion.
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The very presence of a system of social guarantees suggests that society does not care about such a very large group of people as parents of young children. It is not even a matter of protecting the rights of minorities. This is generally one of the PRINCIPAL public interests, because, you know, if no one will be giving birth to children or will be giving birth only after adopting an adult, conscious decision (in our country for reasonable people this is becoming more and more synonymous with emigration) - society will end :) It is not people should adjust to the existing extremely crazy social system. guarantees and survive with all their strength, because they knew what they were going to do, and if they didn’t like it, they fell into the geyrop. This system must be adapted to social demands. Or do you think birth rate growth is not a social demand? Your general statements about how young moms interfere with you wherever possible, and ask for money for nothing, only testify to the indifference, selfishness and extreme division of our society.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna