— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A false story that the author disagrees with.

The story is inspired by recent clashes with terribly entrepreneurial novels under Tula. And although such settlements everywhere in Russia are always a well-known source of social infection, I will not again stamp the cowardly and merciless Russian authorities. Their symbiosis with the Gypsies has been around for centuries, which means it is beneficial for both sides.
From myself, I will add that in the 80s, before nausea, I went on a trip to various factories and mines. throughout the country. But the Gypsy saw only at the stations.
And now we will talk about the country of the clen list.

Gypsies in North America were, but not very divorced. The Protestant ethics of the United States and Canada proved to be harsh to the deceivers and professional deceivers, and the archives only mention them in the section of punishment. In local English, the word "gypsy" even formed a verb, and the phrase "He just gypped me" began to be heavily suppressed only in our time, enlightened by true democracy.
Strictly speaking, in no country in the world these guys did not enjoy the population (it is possible that in ancient times they were washed out of their native India for some sophisticated elephant robbery). Rare positive references to a very freedom-loving people in literature are left only by those who have not suffered from their freedom at all. I think that if the Gypsies had put their beloved son, Maxim Gorky, on the needle, he would have instantly renounced his ergiles and chickens... well, what to guess.

This is what I liked in the communists—that they kept the Romans in strictness, and throughout the social camp. And with the collapse of communism, the Ay-Louis resurrected with unprecedented force. Since the late 1980s, the Roma of Eastern Europe have founded official public organizations that seize (sometimes buy) land where ethnic settlements immediately emerge, providing drug trafficking from Middle and Central Asia. They don’t cheat on cars, weapons and slave trade. It seems that only Germany (which was the GDR) resisted then.

The first in the mid-1990s were the Czechs and organized the struggle against antisocial growth. The Gypsies rushed. Who broke where. In particular, in immunodeficient to them Canada. The first batch of 3,000 “refugees” arrived in 1997 and was met with a pump. The press welcomed the emergence of the “Roman culture” in Canadian. For some reason it was believed that the people, so fiercely and for a long time expelled by normal, time-tested nations, would suddenly become protective useful in Ontario. Very few protesters were bound up and soon faced trial for incitement to hatred.

And the oppressed black-haired people fell. From Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine, Poland... Thousands and twelve came. I remember my feelings when on the central Nathan Philip Square among tourists suddenly saw sleeping characteristic wearable personalities in colourful sweaters and monsters gathering in cardboard boxes to “victims of Yugoslav bombing.” And they paid. Twenty were thrown.
The last big wave was in 2008, from Hungary. By that time, even the most tolerant liberals understood that they were hot. Almost all refugee stories have been found to be false. In social houses, the Gypsies organized terror, forcing the rest to pay tribute to them. The proposed work was rejected. They did not pay for housing, food was taken from free banks. Given wholesalers, child benefits and disability benefits (and all were disabled), their income was much higher than the average.
According to the law, the losers of the trial should be deported, but all somehow ran away. Then there was a delight: some clever head in the immigration ministry suggested that the Gypsies did not want to return because of poverty, they were promised a raise of $ 3,000. The Gypsies came out of nowhere, took the money, but refused to leave again. Those who still managed to expel, carried with them loads of expensive goods purchased on credit. Money borrowed from fake documents. Such a pleasant tradition of taking something to memory continues today.

In the case of Dejavu. It may soon be tested by police officers who previously had such difficulty expelling fraudsters. They can come back. It turned out that the lawyer who then conducted their affairs was unclean on the hand (who could have thought?). Therefore, all the offended can fly back and go back to the stupid Canadians again.

An acquaintance photographer was shooting a Romanian wedding near Aurora. On it, relatives from Europe came to shoot a film about their annual congress. The acquaintance saw a lot, but at that time he was shocked by the abundance of expensive cars, the price of gifts and bad taste. By the way, he was stolen the lens at this job, and tried to cheat with the payment. In order to obtain it, he did not give files for almost a year, resisting threats.

In 2012, well-known commentator Ezra Levant (one of the few who have the courage to declare the perniciousness of multicultural politics) was brought to justice by publicly stating that Gypsies practice only one profession – deceiving and begging, and that they have no place in a normal society. The newspapers were outraged, the intellectuals aroused. As in his time and Bitter with the Cuprin. On television began to spin interviews, where the next golden tooth in the leather plainly complained about the misunderstanding of their identity and vowed eternal love to the new homeland. Let’s catch fresh bears – and make a contribution!

The chicks remained. According to the last census, they are 82 thousand. How much is actually unknown. I assume that some of them fit into society. But from the open reports (police and city services) you can represent the activities of the majority. They live, as always, in clans. Mostly in trailer parks along the U.S. border. Having several passports. Often cooperating with Indians in the sense of what to shame the government. Benefits to myself and many children. Growing of hemp. Without paying any taxes. Selling bull, chicken and fun pills. Fake IDs and credit cards. Trafficking, slave trafficking and criminals. Theft warehouses and insurance companies.
Developing their own unique culture.
Enjoying true liberalism.
Oh, the swallowed hammer...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna