— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Let us give a few examples of questions on the "Idiotent", which the Russians who moved to Germany remembered on Russian-language forums:
Do you drive on the highway at night and see a bird sitting on a tree, your actions?? to
The correct answer: - Stop and adjust the lights

What would you do if the guests you came to by car offered you a drink?
Options of Answer:
I will refuse;
I’ll drink and go home by taxi.
I will drink and stay overnight with the masters.
The correct answer, the option you should have proposed yourself:
"I will not go to people who can offer a drink to a driver"

Or ask
How many trees are on the road from Munich to Nuremberg?
"And who counted them? Well, a lot of..."
It is wrong! There are as many as on the road from Nuremberg to Munich.

"How many turns in Germany"?
The subject thinks, and in vain. There are only two: the right and the left.

Interestingly, at the psychologist’s door in the transfer center hangs a poster: “Let hope, everyone who enters!”
To fail an idiot, you don’t have to be an idiot. For example, you enter the office and you are asked why you didn’t close the door. You’re turning around, and in vain—ah, you couldn’t even remember that. and c)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna