— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I am 24 years old, studying in 5th grade and working as a guard in a sanitary store. A cousin called me yesterday and said:

B: Zdarova, listen, I need to buy a mixer for the bathroom here, and there is no money.

I thought he wanted to borrow, but that was not the case.

By the way, the cheapest mixer here costs 1200 r.

I: What do you need from me?

B: Well you’re working as a guard, let me come to you in the store and steal, and you’ve seen nothing and I’ll go.

I: We have cameras in the store.

B: Well, you’re a guard, you can wipe it out and you won’t get anything.

After that, he was sent to yuh, and his number was added to the QS.

minus one relative.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna