— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I went to the passport, to extend the registration for the military ticket. There are two passports. While filling out form 3, one of them reads someone’s passport, the type of where they came from. In the passport is written: Blakovo, socialist street. I wonder what this F means. ...I am, the street of Fascist Socialism)))... no, it’s hardly RJET. The Final of Socialism. Both of them are already rolling. Yes, there must be something civilian. ...okay, the socialist fanatics of the street rjut already all))))... wrote the form 3, leashed in the innet. Let us all be ashamed! 😉 I found it in Yandex. Balakovo, F... And I gave, Balakovo, Fake of Socialism))))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna