— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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On the subject of school lessons. Another IMHO is the most useless thing in the form in which it is now - computer science. To train persistently for several years in binary and sixteen-digit systems, algorithms, programming, HTML. Why Why? In a few lessons you will still learn nothing, and what is the point in life? Take a few lessons for this (binary codes, presentation of graphic information in RGB). And the rest of the time it would be better to talk about the comp device (that the processor and the system unit are different things, why you need operating memory, etc.).), about BIOS (at least as a time to expose), would learn to put the screw and programs / drivers, taught the basics of information security (antivirus, firewalls, backup, information recovery), the basics of network technologies (modems, routers, IP-addressing, how to create / configure a simple network). We would introduce open software (Linux and open source analogues of popular software).

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna