— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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He served a term near Moscow in a small but very officer-intensive unit. He took part in a patrol with a partner from another company.
From the room of the company comes the duty in part (the Lieutenant Colonel is a fan of military service with very thick points). We and the second patrol officer checked him, reporting that there were no incidents. He strictly asks where the Commander of the Squad and the Responsible (Captain and Starley) are.
Long stupid, looking at the hardly visible behind the back of the DPC stadium - the Captain controls a toy helicopter on the DU, and the starley runs around, trying to catch him with a cap.
We are making honest faces and my partner is broadcasting - they are preparing to pass the standard on the FFP at the stadium.
The underground unfolds, swings - and they are really preparing, proudly breathing, smiling at his thoughts about the army rising from his knees, and leaving.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna