— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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At the beginning of 1946, the Politburo decided to divide the Coal Industry Narcomate into two - for the western regions of the country and the eastern. It was assumed that they would be headed by V.V. Vahrushev and D.G. Onika. Beria called both and proposed to divide the property of the Narcomate lovingly. Then he called them again and asked Wachrushev, “Are there any claims?” He said they shared everything right. Then Beria said to Onika, “What do you think?” Onika said, “I have complaints. All the best footage was taken by Wachrushev, and all the best sanatoriums and rest homes too. Beria reasoned: "When Wahhrushev believes that everything was divided correctly, and Onika objects, we will do this: Wahhrushev will be the narcissist of the eastern regions, and Onika - the westerns." The meeting has ended.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna