— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It was 10 years ago, my friend and I sat down, drank a foam, missed.

Listening to TV channels, stumbled on TV chat.

I missed the thought, and what if... We write text of approximately the following content:

"A very nice young man will invite a lion to the restaurant, and I will go to Hammer and phone number."

It was an innocent joke, and only. Of course no one was going anywhere.

Such an attack my phone never experienced, there were SMS, MMS (And then there were still in the course of MMS).

He could not use the phone for two days, because of continuous calls from different numbers.

the morality. Think twice)

Oh yeah, I also tried to get rid of the girls of the owners of the Hammer. Given the rarity of this car in our city, so tried to bring the guys to clean water.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna