— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The sergeelectric
Bloggers and journalists. I thought that one today was already, usually there are so many of them for replacement is not, but there is an exception.A guy and girl aged 30-33 with a tablet, shoot me, commenting on the time of arrival, the time of the call, ask my name.I call, please indicate the problem, but the soap-wiping starts with "show the certificate, the permit group, and where we know you are from Emergency.."I say, like a hundred times before this: No certificate, name called, check my "authenticity" can with the controller, if there is no problem, then I go away.The problem is not burning the light in the kitchen.The electricity is there, just does not burn the light "isclose the luster".I get up on What’s wrong with them?I push my shoulders – was it a problem? Is she no longer? Danger is eliminated. With a celebration. Bloggers look at me, on each other, in the background the singer sings narrow-cut, young people clearly naeblai themselves.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna