— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Oh all that. How you burned.
A long time ago, when the forests on the planet Earth began to shrink, our monkey ancestors had to get out of the cage to the plain. At first they had to stand on two limbs to rise above the high edge of the grass. Then, as the fruit abundance left with the forests, we had to look for additional food. I sit high on two legs, I look far, I see everything. Especially the fall. What is not food? Our ancestors were fallers. From this injection of protein into the body, the brain began to gradually increase in size, and human-like - to become smarter. Thus, by introducing to their diets thick, unpretentious meat, our evolutionary branch proudly entered the gate of homo (but some remained behind, thickly chewing the leaf of the rucola, and the Buddha with them).
Sponsor of the story is anthropogenesis. Thanks to all. We are separated.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna