— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Funny story to you for the night) from the first mouth - the current that happened to me and my mother. Calls her a guy, grit I Alexander Korablev, Sberbank, our grit conversation is recorded, and we saw today through the cameras that you grit not themselves used your card. My mom was a little confused, right? He asks. He says I ask you to block the card. Mother decides that they are fraudsters and throws them away. He immediately calls back, I take the phone. talk away)))
Why do you throw the phone?
I: Hello, repeat, please, everything you said before and take into account - the conversation is recorded by me.
He... in the sense? to repeat?
I am in direct. Repeat everything you said.
How to repeat?
I: Repeat, I want to hear it.
He (the tone instantly changed from intelligent to ballt): and you are so intelligent?? to
How cute you are!
He: You don’t even know how cute I am.
I: I don’t want to represent. Happiness to you and health. Do not call here anymore.
He: and you good luck! here I now think... maybe it was still Sberbank?))))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna