— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Someone is going to the passageway, because the working day is over. She approaches the cabin, where the evil aunt stands and so mysteriously in her ear says:
- Tatiana Ivanovna, I need someone to take out tomorrow... So that there are no problems, what will be more suitable for you – chocolate or a box of candy?
To what this aunt and her speech responds, blotting her eyes:
Maybe a box of candy.
The man went out and went home to himself. The next day, a man rushing to the cabin after the end of the working day sees the smiling aunt he had agreed with yesterday. The closer he approached the cabin, the more and more the smile of his aunt became (larger, wider). And suddenly a wicked whisper comes out of the mouth of this aunt:
And put your hands behind your head in the pool!
The guard came and let the man feel. Shakes, touches, almost split and realize that the man has nothing. And then the man approaches this aunt and gently says to her:
Tatiana Ivanovna, you are a fool. I took it all yesterday...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna