— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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He witnessed the incident in the subway. The 10-12 year old had fun. He threw a glass bottle into a closing car. The bottle was broken, but no one was hit, fortunately, and there was nothing inside. The guy thought that the joke succeeded, and then he was skillfully caught by the police officer and dragged into the office room. He took his hand and asked me to go along with him. The force was applied after resisting the demands.

What started here! Crying, crying, crying and crying for help. He clung to everything he could for everyone who passed by. Then he applied another tactic: he started shouting that he had a weak heart and that he was ill. And it didn’t work on what came out of the screams that the policeman was suffocating him (hold your hand, ah). They shouted, “You have no right!”

To all this people fled and the mood was to help the boy, demands to let him go. Even when they learned about his offence, the reaction was rather "but he is still a child."

Children know their rights and are not ashamed to use them, but forget about the presence of duties. And the police after that appear as malicious guards in the eyes of some people.

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