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And there are other studies (I don’t remember the author, Google himself) that show that 80% of adult men are sexually attracted to teenage girls, but this does not stop the ugly pedophiles being perverse, sick and criminals.

And again we confuse LGBT with pedophiles, rapists, zoophiles, and so on. A pedophile by deception or force forces a child or teenager to have sex, who cannot make a conscious decision in the face of an adult due to age. The adult is smarter, more experienced, presses with authority, well or dumb with force. That is, in fact, pedophilia is almost always the rape and use of a child by an adult for their own purposes (in rare cases the child receives some return in such relationships, if they have any place to be). The crime? Yes to! The zoophilia? Also, in essence, the rape of a living being that can express disagreement and can not defend itself.
What about LGBT? If it’s not about violence, deception, etc., then what’s the difference, who sleeps with whom? Who is changing clothes? As long as they don’t cause suffering to others, they don’t bother anyone – yes please! What did you do with the parade? They have flags and what? to split? You can think, participants of other actions do not dress up (animal protection in the center of Moscow, for example)!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna