— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I served in the German Democratic Republic in 1984. Our part was located under a small German town. And every weekend we strengthened the Soviet-German friendship in the local competition. And then, one day, I sat down to a nice sickness. A considerable amount of drinking visually added a little beauty and youth to the lady, and the evening spent in a warm and friendly atmosphere turned into a night full of international love and passion. I woke up close to lunch alone, awakened by the rage of excited voices coming out of the street. There was a crowd of excited Germans outside the window. Here I hit. Not only was he late to work, he seemed to have struck something.

What happened? The lady from birth cut one eye, no treatment helped, and she has long accepted this. I was drunk and not noticed, and at the peak of passion, my eyes stood in place.

In the morning, realizing the miraculous healing, Madame ran on friends and acquaintances, telling about the fateful acquaintance and, of course, without getting into intimate details. At lunch, a crowd gathered under her door hoping for the help of a Russian miracle expert. Of the features and my methods of treatment, they, unfortunately, knew nothing ; )

P.S. The command at first wanted to announce the excuse, but then everyone laughed and it seemed like it was all over. And in the cocktail I went further.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna