— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Criminal Order
During the war itself, all your dirty tribunals, together with their conventions/agreements/memorandums, go there in the same step. Only the losers are judged. What do you think the Soviet soldiers in the territory of Germany of the German freelancers carried a pen across the road? Were there any cases where they were punished?
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At the OBD Memorial it was possible to make a sample of those convicted of shooting in the RKKA just for rape and robbery. There were cases, not millions, of course, but it was enough. The data is now deleted, but the statistics are still available.
The U.S. and other allies - similar, cases have been, BUT. But there are translated memoirs of Belton Cooper, where it is detailed that the sex issue could be solved by chocolate from sushi.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna