— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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After graduation, she went to work and left her parents.

I built a one-room apartment on the fifth floor. The main group are pensioners. There were four apartments on my site, three neighboring ones were occupied by grandmothers of an average age of 70.

Since this was my first rental housing, I was raised with respect for the elderly and tried to establish good neighbourly relations with them. Overall, I have succeeded. One of the neighbors was different :)

For the New Year, I gave each neighbor a box of candy. Everything was fine, thanked, began to ask for tea to drink, which I tactically refused.

On January 5, a neighbor-grandmother approaches me, holds a box of candy in her hands and says:

I thought about it and decided to give it back.

I had many thoughts in my head, but I said one:

Did I offend you something? Do you like the gift? He was of pure heart.

- That you, that you, did not offend, just not in my rules to take gifts, but could not immediately refuse. I thought, all the holidays suffered, but I can't overcome myself, here, take it.

All sorts of thoughts continued to roll in my head, but in fact I just shrugged my shoulders and took the candy back.

By the next New Year acquired as a gift for the neighbors a special set: tea + candy. I gave. The neighbor greeted her in words.

After the New Year holidays, she meets me on the stairs:

I learned that you gave gifts to our neighbors.

Well yes, I did it.

Why did you get around me?

- So you made it clear and clear that you do not accept gifts, I did not want to impose.

I could even catch up with an old man. Ugly from your side.

and well. I’ll go to the store and buy a gift for you.

- Late caught up, blue, no need anymore, - and, pressing her lips, hid in her apartment.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna