— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Today, I and two of my colleagues were entrusted to pack gifts for women. There are 52 women in the group. I bought for each of the crystal figs something in a box (I don't know how to identify it), a small bottle of champagne and a linen towel / towel with all sorts of drawings that were placed inside this crystal fig. We also bought 52 sheets of wrapping paper for the holiday packaging.

Have you ever wrapped boxes in gift paper? This is not paper, but thin plastic.

We honestly watched on the internet how this is done. None of us have talent. In six hands, these 52 gifts were wrapped in gift paper for three or five hours simultaneously mocking the mat. Because there was a shit at all. But at least the last box got wrapped up at all.

Only we wanted to breathe out when we finished, as we notice that one linen towel / towel is superfluous. Didn’t someone put it? During the process of packing, we took the price cards off the towels and glued them to my table. They counted – they really didn’t put anyone.

But this same perversion now all the gifts to unpack and look for who has not. The gifts are given by chance.

I, forever lazy, pulled behind my towel to soak up to soak up (by the way, similar in color). Suddenly, I did not find him on the spot.

“No, guys,” I said, “I’ll have to unpack.

In short - another 3, 5 hours, until found and repackaged (experience, shit). You can pack your gifts professionally.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna