— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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There is an Anglo-American School (AAS) in Moscow. The same one that our Ministry of Foreign Affairs is pressing now, not allowing its teachers on diplomatic passports to enter Russia. The children of employees of the respective embassies are taught there on English and American programs, as well as, on a commercial basis, all those who wish.
And it happened to me almost at the same time to give private lessons to several Russian children who studied there. First, I explained to them how everything they passed there would be in Russian (because no one freed them from the then OGE/EGE analogues, and school knowledge is sometimes needed in life) in English. And secondly, they wanted to raise their high level of knowledge, which AAS gave, to the highest, since each of them had already set as their goal to enter a specific British or American university, the level of which began with the London School of Economics. By the way, they all achieved their goals.
But there was a guy among them, let’s call him, Petya, absolutely calm, capable, hardworking. He himself, by the way, asked to teach him to perform school work with an adjustment to the personal qualities of teachers. And he and I successfully used the fact, for example, that the natural science teacher was a chemist rather than a physicist, and proud of his Scottish origins. Well, Petya, inventing secondary factors affecting the pressure in the gas, wrote about the possibility of chemical reactions and about the fact that in the valleys in the Scottish mountains, which are the Highlands, the wind blows, and the pressure at the same time decreases. The teacher was happy and put A+.
Peter was a patriot. He made a firm decision to enter the Russian university and then continue his career in Russia. He said, “There is a lot of nonsense in our country. A lot of nonsense. Must be corrected.”
Initially I went to MGIMO. I tried cautiously to hint that in MGIMO “strangers don’t go.” But Petya, with the support of his parents, simply decided to enter paid preparatory courses, thus becoming "his own" for some amount of money.
However, there was an unexpected problem. Petya was "falled" at the entrance exam in English. Introductory to courses where he was still going to prepare and prepare for admission! A man who from the first class taught all subjects in English, communicating in school only on it, and passed all the Russian school exams on him to the highest score! Strangers, in short, do not go there.
After that, I met Petya and asked how impressions.
“Naturally,” he replied, “all the nonsense was just a little more than I initially expected.”
He entered the Russian university. A little more famous and a little less muddy than MGIMO. He successfully completed it.

In the place of Erundy, I would have thought about my behavior. She began to press school.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna