— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I read the recent story ( ) and decided to share it.

I worked in a large holding. The companies we had were very different, including a pair of trailers (one of them is the official dealer of the most famous European brand). Clearly, the masters there worked a variety of professionals. Bodybuilders, electricians, aircrafts and, of course, motorists. A good master, he is always on the weight of gold, and a motorist, especially.

We also had one, Medvedko (all names / surnames have been changed), an exclusively literate man. As from Asus. Already in the summer, for half a penny, but there is still dust in the powder. Combes he did not crack on the Nepali flag, he also did not issue a five-year-old at four, and in general, he did not work quickly, without excessive turmoil, calmly. On the other side, you can say, even slowly.

On our Ramson, like probably everywhere, there was a scourge. By the way, 34% of the work in closed orders went as payments to blinds. In my memory, I may not recall that Ivanych (he is Medvedko) would have the largest output and, accordingly, the salary in a particular month. Yes, he was always in the top five leaders, but he was not the honorary number one. On the other hand, if on average for a year to look, he left all the Stachanovs and Zagladovs far behind.

But the main plus of Ivanich is that he was a wonderful partner and mentor for young slugs. He explained, taught, shared and helped. In a word, he educated. He was treated with great patience and understanding. Not from the top down, but as an elderly companion. Very rare quality these days. For two years Ivanovic worked in a pair with his son, removing from him also a very foolish master. At the batin level he did not reach, but nevertheless, became a very decent speaker.

Then they threw up and said, “Ivanash, it’s time and honor to know, share your experience with others.” Especially he did not oppose, and began to pick forward boys into his partners. Not green newcomers, but those who already knew something, but who were far from the status of real masters. Who for six months, who for a year.

So, we had a very glamorous guy in the reemzone, Andryucha Bogdanov. He was a little, somewhere 23 or 24, I don’t remember right now. This is the man whom God kissed. A talented guy, he felt the car very well. His San Sanich, our chief, who commanded the raiders, dug somewhere (he had talent, the cadres are good to find). Andryucha was a little, hardworking, but also had a good character. The soul of the company, I can say.

Ivanovic immediately noticed his talent. I treated him, almost like my son. And I will tell you, it went very literally. But the most interesting thing is, obviously, the salary. Medvedenko with the company was always stable, but for Andreika, the work with an experienced master was expressed in a rather significant rise in well-being. The young man was a whisper, so the bear advised him everything:
You, my brother, do not hesitate. Valk, valk, all will be right.

But, unfortunately, with Andrew it did not work for a long time. As long as he worked in a pair with Ivanych, everything went perfectly. For 7-8 months, he and Ivanych worked, learned, soaked, and felt that he could do more. I asked to work myself. An unusual request, I have to say, motorists usually tick in pairs, but respected (I don't know why the chief of the remsons allowed it). Medvedenko was upset, felt that early the guy leaves, not all the knowledge passed on, but in general they were well separated. Well done, without insults. Ivanovic just said:
Andrei, you don’t get all the money. Do not lose your head. A lot of money, big problems.

Immediately I noticed, I stepped Andrew on the mountain, and he stood. No you, outdoors, smokers, longer sitting at lunch. In the second month of independent work, he closed several large orders. The head of the remzone calculated, so he had to pay 230-240 thousand. And now it’s not bad, but consider, then in the courtyard, for a moment, it was the beginning of 2008, so it’s big money. I was given a salary certificate as a signature, and I was stunned.

The Seven says:
What should we do? Man has earned. For garlic, you have to pay.
He in response.
I need to, but I am afraid. Experience suggests that a guy will get rid of such a profit. Money, of course, we do not get rid of it, but let’s, not all at once. We will pay half, the rest later when the production falls. I am afraid.
A risky decision. I hear the fucking fucking. I say.
It is under my responsibility.

Well, paid Andrew half, the second promised later. Also, by the way, a lot went out. But, as I thought, the bull rose. Let us talk, tell us:
Tiger meat is not. The bourgeoisie offends the proletariat.

The spirit of Andrew did not fall, the next month, worked about the same amount and demanded everything at once, plus debt. To reject it is somehow inconvenient, especially on the rack, the team is cohesive, everyone knows everything right away. The shooting in the posture was, "we'll lose the guy and lose," but I hardly broke him. have paid out.

The boy mocked himself, the girl appeared, the shirts. Friends came from nowhere. I noticed that Andrew was drinking. No, not at work. There is no problem with quality either. It works two or two.
- Go to the bathroom, on your legal holiday, I have the right.

Well, the matter is young, "wipes up, everything will be the way," we think. Everything would be fine if it weren’t pants. The crown has appeared, but no one can break it. Ivanovic tried to talk, but there was no conversation. No, don’t think bad, Andrew wasn’t rude to him, nothing like that, he just didn’t get rid of it.

The third month is the same. Production is crazy. Andrei is just a Hulk.
Have talks,
I can’t do that. Who are you all? Loaders and Unemployed. I will rest, come back from vacation, show you how to work.

I went to Turkey with my girlfriend and new friends. Excellent hotel booked for everyone, acki Rockefeller. The river flowed. There was a service manager with him on vacation, so he said that Andrey did not dry out on vacation. As he started on the plane before the departure, he never stopped. To rest like this.

He was brought back to the tomb. Banally, one night I broke over, decided to sink, to dive into the swimming pool from the run. On the drunken bench did not take into account the banal fact that the pool on one side is small. Injury is incompatible with life.

His mother came. People say black from sorrow, I thought this phrase was like this. It turned out, no, really.

Andrei for the last, part-time month, to pay about a hundred thousand remains. We paid her everything, plus I pulled out another 120 pieces from the top in the form of help. This is to reassure the conscience, although what there is, reassurance.

Unfortunate and very offensive. The guy kind. and talented. I could be a great master. If not alcohol. And funny money.

Sevka was right, the acquaintance of human souls. Unfortunately, there are such people, they cannot pay a lot of money, even if they deserve it. They are fooling.

And Ivanovich probably was right, the valley needs, the valley needs. Big money is big problems.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna