— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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There was a date with a man, he has a way of talking - to object to every sentence and tell how to do everything correctly. It was funny, like he asks, “Do you like coffee?I said, “Yes,” he said, “Why not tea? Here you are wrong, tea will be better, it is more useful.” Or asks, “Do you like the automatic box in the car?“I like to say, he says, “No, the machine is full of hernia, it is impossible to ride on it, you know what you are saying at all.” How is it possible to disagree with the feeling of “likes” or “does not like”?

Sometimes he arranged a combo and began to object, not even listening. Asked what soup I like to cook, I began to answer, only said about chicken, interrupted and began to explain that it is necessary to mix different meats, he knows how to correctly, I need to pay attention to his stories and record.

He finally got it when he asked, “Tell me about your last relationship, why did you break up?” I only had time to say, "In general, everything was good, but...", he sharply interrupted me, said, "A, well, I understand, but here I have...." and started complaining about my ex-wife, who had the greed to be dissatisfied that he came from work every evening.

After that, I was tired of trying to break into this monologue with questions purely so that he could move on to the topic he wanted, and collapsed. The emotional feeling of something heavy was then from this communication, as if after some pressure or aggressive behavior.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna