— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The beginning of zero. I meet a girl O. Beautiful, young, studying at the school. He lives in the neighboring area. In October or November, we celebrate her birthday in a cafe near her home. There were a couple of her friends. Then another couple, a guy with a girl sat down. Then the friends of this couple painted. Everyone ordered salads and drinks. And at some point I decided to ask her - And on whose account the banquet. She, already drunk, - I have a little, but in general, I thought you would pay!)) Mistake it, I think. The money is not very much, the more the gift I have already given and spent it decently. Well I think okay. I'll find out a little bit about the guests, how aboutët finance? Those in rejection, say, our friends brought us, there is no money, we did not sign anything, in short. They swim, I think. Here my O. got bad, I had to take her to the toilet, there to keep her hair over the toilet) The waitress, well, had time to say that no one else ordered anything and asked for the bill. The money went straight. It was empty, and the guests added some coins. More and more!) Home I walk about 15 km. He is not smiling at all. This body is drunk in front of her house and I say I go to her for the night. I have not known her parents yet. Her mother was a librarian and her father an engineer. Intelligence is meant. She, drunk and drunk, but tried to tell me to stay with her, said, uncomfortable, they have a two-bedroom apartment and I have no place to sleep. But I said that I could spend the night in the kitchen, but I would not walk home at night in the ugly cold weather. My mother opened the door. This is a typical library. With glasses and a dirty dress. I was stressed. I was even more stressed when I hit my nose with the odor of cat urine. (from O. sometimes also smelled a cat, but I tried not to pay attention to it) Okay, come in, the daughter she helped break-up, there they met. Daddy didn’t even get out of the bedroom. The mother was not surprised by the condition of the daughter or did not look, although I saw O. for the first time) went to the kitchen. There really is shit. And the turtles. Fuck, they were building there. everywhere. Mom offered to eat chicken and opened the cover from the bowl on the plate. A tiger came out of there. Yes, a cockroach came out of the bowl with the chicken and my mom didn’t bother. My O. looked at me with the appearance: I was trying to tell you away) I also refused the tea, saying that we were already fed and drunk after the coffee and I would just switch to them until 06.00, and there I am on the bus home and to work. I was ready to walk, at least all night. I was laid in bed in the room. Even fresh bed clothes. From which it still smelled like a cat's snack, somehow until the morning, he jumped up to the alarm clock and ran away without breakfast. I didn’t see O. anymore, although she and her friend had broken my phone for a couple of months. I couldn’t be with her after seeing her anymore. Don’t think of me as a dull and snob. The girl was already quite adult and, if desired, could attach a hand to bringing order and observance of basic sanitary norms. Especially as a teacher.

As far as I can remember, I’ll crack it out ?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna