— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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K to:

For the guy, this is the last drop. He gets a cell phone and calls the number:
“Hello Serena, listen, you haven’t sold your bastard yet? How much do you want? Do you pay for 45? Okay, I take... yeah, I don’t know, I’ve long wanted to learn... I’ll go in the evening, wait.
In the rounded eyes of the girl appears BSOD, she "hangs" with an open mouth. The guy hides his cell phone and looks at it with what Putin looked at Medvedev during the inauguration.
I look at the guy, smile and start applauding loudly.
– – – – –
The looking idiot.
And when she sends it, she will be right. Because I wasn’t thinking about how to spend better on myself, but what to do at home (you have a jacket, a new closet, etc.). Only minors don’t understand what it means to live together, when money should go to the family, not to themselves, so they’re obsessed with me, and so on. Per at least somebody will understand the difference between "how we are better at spending" and "what I buy".

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna