— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Compliance of form and content
Yesterday a crane was running in the bathroom. Not that I am completely handless, but the apartment is rentable, I live a second week, so there are no tools at hand.
Call the local service office. Surprisingly, the order is accepted immediately, and half an hour of waiting on the line has not passed. They promise to send the master out tomorrow at 5 p.m.
I went to work earlier, I wait. At 17.06 the door is ringing. I open without asking who. I see: an extremely young man (17 years old), characteristic nose, kippa, peys, and... a suitcase of sanitary equipment. To say that I was stunned is to say nothing!!! The guy in 5 minutes changed what needed, asked (in Russian!!!There was no other problem, and went away, thanking (!) for the challenge.
Have you ever seen a Jewish santechnician? I am not!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna