— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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From a women’s forum:

I read a lot of the forum, about all these male tricks: washes the sms, starts a second cell phone, puts passwords in the computer, goes with the phone to the toilet and to the bathroom...just to hide his ugly stuff!!! to

But mine went on.
It all started with the fact that he bought me a small laptop, beautiful snow-white color, made in the apartment Wi-Fi. That’s to get you on the internet more often,” he said. I rejoiced like a fool. I sat on the internet a lot of time.

Once I wanted to get into his computer.For prevention)))
But the!!!! This shit has changed it all!! I didn’t even understand it first!! Everything was different!! to

One friend whose husband was Sisadmin told me that my fool had put Linux!! to
When I asked him, why did you do it? He replied that Linux is more comfortable for him!! In fact, he did it specifically so that I couldn’t use his computer at all!
Not much more, on the mobile phone now too everything is different, says that changed the request!! Now it’s absolutely unclear how to watch the sms and the calls made, and I’m sure he’s sneezing with his fools from work!! I can’t catch him now!! to
Help me! What to do???! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna