— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Yesterday morning I burned my lower lip to a blister state when I tried to see if the pasta was ready (in shape of shells). There was a hot boil in the shell and my "%:ICE!!!!!!!It was heard in the neighboring apartments exactly...
I came to work with a blister. The blister should be said to be not very visible - yes, white swelling. However, it hurts, shit, very hard and I constantly lick it.
At the end of the working day, my boss (a very sweet woman) finally notices that something is wrong with me - angry, dumb, licking my lower lip, I answer questions unambiguously like: "Go to her..." and I have to tell you that, "nothing personal - just the lip. her mother... hurts a lot".
She immediately advises me to soak my lips before bed with vaseline (Ha-ha! I’m glad I didn’t burn my ass.
In short, we talked and broke up, the rest of the day flew unnoticed and I went home. My boss was leaving the room at the same time as me. There are a lot of people in the hallway rushing out of the office.
"We’ll see you!" – I’ll put her on the move.
“Don’t forget the vaseline!” she replied to me and switched to a conversation with her friend who was walking next door.

A lot of people have looked at me with interest.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna