— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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From one forum:

I bought the N82 in perfect condition and very cheap.I couldn't understand why I was so lucky.After 4 days I understood what the dog went into.The lower speaker didn't work.Well, I started to bite the internet, in search of a way out of the situation.A lot of all kinds of advice, from the service, to the spray.I don't trust the service, better than anyone will do.But here was a guy, vulgar, but I am immensely grateful to him for his vulgarity. In short, to forgive my administrators, he advised to suck the phone in the lower part of it, where the holes under the speaker.Well, I gathered all my male pride in the fist, squeezed my lips into the phone and began to suck hard. After the specified time, the phone apparently caught a catch and stunned already on 2 speakers so that the vibration went.I did not believe in happiness and turned it off.After half an hour of sweet waiting, turned on.All speakers are working.The display is so glowing of happiness.The problem has gone.The only thing I have is a question about the work of the speaker.I think it works quietly.It's all so or do I suck again?))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna