— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Here it has been repeatedly scrolled out that "1 cheek is 1/8 of an orgasm", here is the story on this topic:
I wait for the teacher, I am late. At 20, everybody does their own business. I, in fact, too - broke up with my girlfriend and here, the bat, as I sneeze, and loudly and even unexpectedly (there was not even the feeling that I wanted to sneeze), then again and again... on the fifth cheek, they lost their account. At the end, it already seemed that the whole Moscow was shaken, collapsed on the floor and covered my face with my hands - I leave, and I am ashamed. In the words of a friend:
A thoughtful voice from the hall: One cheek is 1/8 of an orgasm.
* from the neighboring party*: she probably had a full-fledged orgasm... you hear, eh? (and I am not up to him, in my ears there is a bell) whispering, it seems and really ended, not even a whisper.
Now I’m famous for the whole world :(

Written from the words of one acquaintance, Dasha forgive me, but it is a painful funny story :D


The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna