— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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from the forum. Topic "How to choose the name of the cafe"
xxx: I would go out entirely and name the cafe "Yndex". Meaning:"You all, always find us", or "Everything you are looking for - we have". A small scandal with a swirled search engine server will only add spicyness and popularity. Russian-speaking customers can be typed in the Russian letter "I" in the title. and foreigners to show... the page of Yandex... Well, and a few branded dishes Vermischel "Spam", Ice Cream "Oftop", Vodka "Obscient"...
YYY: YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY The menu can be arranged in the form of a folder "Selected" with references to prices.
zzz: Well, if you hit the badge at the entrance "Moderator"... then a full whisper is going to blow!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna