— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Code of Honor of the Fighter.
Be honest with yourself. Always is.
1. do not refuel on the LuckOil while this pidor is free.
Bring the garbage to the urn. any one. Yes, even cigarettes and gum.
3. targeted outraged parking drivers and other "streeters". Not to give or take bribery.
Do not drink energy alcohol.
6 to quit smoking.
Join the section of handball fighting.
8. after six months after the implementation of paragraph 7, to stop passing by the street fighting of the kind of "three hopes on one foolish". 9. advocate for those who try to self-affirm themselves with half-drunken insult for teenagers and girls. Cut something like "Well, get up, go, sit down! I am like you #@%$! Yes, I think that pregnant, young people in general should walk, $%#$!".
a. but try to distinguish the ill-hearted from the intelligent elderly, and treat the latter carefully and politely.
Show the road if you are asked how to go. Of course, if you ask in Russian and without an accent. English and German can also be used. :)
c. give up seats in transport: girls (even not pregnant), couples, parents with children, and intelligent elderly people (see. P is a.
d. not to give to parasites: bombs, poor, Gypsies, etc. If you want to help someone – transfer money to the Chinese pilot society.
e. actively interfere in what is outrageous, if interference by force.
F. Have the strength to always remain so.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna